HTML Codes Dictionary

HTML is the markup language of the web. If you need to add something to your blog or website, chances are you'll need to write some HTML code. Here is dictionary of HTML codes. You can copy and paste these codes into your website or blog.
<!-- ... -->Used to give a comment or description . Sentences that lies in this container will not be visible in the browser
<!DOCTYPE> To define information of document type
<a>To define an anchor , but are more accurately defined as a link because this link is used for mutual link between the HTML document into another HTML document
<abbr>Used to describe an expression that is abbreviated and you can provide useful information to the search page source ( the page source code ) / screen readers , translation systems and search engines are derived from the abbreviation already described , but when in the browser on these descriptions will not appear and for informational purposes only
<acronym>To define acronym / this tag function just like <abbr> tag
<address>To define contact information about writter/owner
<applet>To insert java file into HTML document
<area />To define area than could be clicked on map image
<b>To make bold text
<base />To define target URL for all relative URLs in document
<basefont />To make default attribute, like colors, size, font style to all text in a document
<bdo>To override text direction
<big>To make text bigger 1 point from default
<blink>To make blinked text
<blockquote>To define a long quote
<body>To define a HTML body
<br />To give a new line
<button>To define clicked button
<caption>To  make a caption in table
<center>To make text or image in center position
<cite>To define a quote
<code>To define a part from computer code
<col />To define attribute value from one column or more in a table
<colgroup>To group one column or more in a formatted table
<dd>To define description from list item
<del>To give striked text
<dfn>To define a definition term
<dir>To define a directory list
<div>To define a section in a document
<dl>To define a definition list
<dt>To define an item in definition list
<em>To make italic text. this tag function same as <i> tag but <em> tag is more recommended for italic text
<embed>To insert video file or music file
<fieldset>To group the elements in form / make frame-box in form
<font>To define a font style, color and size for text
<form>To define a form HTML for input form
<frame />To define a frame in frameset
<frameset>To define a set frame
<h1> to <h6>To show first of  a header/title from a HTML document
<head>To give information about that document
<hr />To make horizontal line
<html>To define root in a HTML document
<i>To make italic text
<iframe>To define an inline frame
<img />To show image in HTML Document
<input />To define input field in form
<ins>To make striked text
<kbd>To define text that inputted from keyboard
<label>To define label from element <input>
<legend>To define caption from element <fieldset>
<li>To show information in list form
<link />To define relations between document and external source
<listing>This tag function same as <pre> tag and more recommended use <pre> tag because <listing> tag is not better
<map>To define client-side image map
<marquee> To make text moved vertically or horizontally
<menu>To define a list menu
<meta />To define metadata about a HTML document
<nobr>To prevent change line for text or image
<noframes>If browser's user not supported frame
<noscript>If browser's user not supported client-side scripts
<object>To put an embed an object
<ol>To define list in number format
<optgroup>To show some choices in a drop-down list form
<option>To show some choices in a drop-down list form
<p>To make a paragraph
<param />To define a parameter for an object
<pre>To make text with same size
<q>To define a short quote
<s>To give striked text, this tag function same as <del> tag but <s> tag  is not recommended as replace use <del> tag
<samp>To define an example output from a computer program
<script>To define client-side script
<select>To make drop-down list
<small>To make text size smaller from its default size
<span>To define a section in document 
<strike>To give striked text, this tag function same as <del> tag
<strong>To make bold text, this tag function same as <b> tag
<style>To define style Information for HTML document
<sub>To give subscript effect on text
<sup>To give superscript effect on text
<table>To make a table
<tbody>To grouping body content in a table
<td>To define cell in a table
<textarea>To define a multiline input control
<tfoot>To grouping footer content in a table
<th>To define header cell in a table
<thead>To grouping header content in a table
<title>To make a title in HTML Document
<tr>To make a new line in a table
<tt>To define teletype text
<u>To make underlined text, this tag function same as <ins> tag but <u>  tag is not suggested for HTML category text formatting but HTML Category Style
<ul>To define list in bullet form
<var>To define a variable
<xmp>To define preformatted text, this tag function same as <pre> pre
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